post @ 2024-03-08
Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.
post @ 2024-03-03

IOS reverse

We need a MacOS(or VMWare Virtual Machine)(Version > MacOS 10.15) and Ipad/Iphone(Version > iOS 11). We can refer to link1.

post @ 2024-02-21

Frida reverse and protocol analysis-4

0x08 Reverse analysis of paid live streaming rooms

We have a pronographic live streaming app with 2 restrictions: 1. Pop up prompts that only VIPs can watch the live stream. 2. Non VIP can only watch for 15s. As this app is shell added, we need to use frida-dexdump for shell removal. we can get workflow from link1.

post @ 2024-02-17
Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.
post @ 2024-02-09


I will learn about react since i am develop a image caption demo and deploy it using react. Study reference link is link. This link is learn how to develop a tic-tac-toe.
