post @ 2024-02-17
Here's something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.
post @ 2024-02-09


I will learn about react since i am develop a image caption demo and deploy it using react. Study reference link is link. This link is learn how to develop a tic-tac-toe.


Software analysis foundation & homework-2

0x00 context-insensitive pointer analysis

This homework will accomplish a context-insensitive pointer analysis, and build a call graph. This call graph will be more precise than call graph build by CHA. This pointer analysis algorithm handles 4 type pointers (local variables[Assign]/instance field[Store and Load]/instance call[]/static field/array index) and static method call.

post @ 2024-01-19

techtalk about decompilation history

From gossip, I notice a good survey about decompilation history, so I decide to learn about it. Related links are: link1, link2.

post @ 2023-12-30

Opportunistic Backdoor Attacks: Exploring Human-imperceptible Vulnerabilities on Speech Recognition Systems

Due to it is class report in the final exam, I will use chinese to write this page.
